please do your cleaning duty, because:
1) our class is rather dirty
2) clean classes look pretty
3) everyone likes pretty classes
4) it is your duty to do your duty =P
and it is obvious if you do not do your duty, so dont be surprised if our dear cleanliness i/c PAYS you a visit.
please take note that the cleaning duty does not only comprise of cleaning the whiteboard. it also includes neatening the tables and chairs, sweeping the floor, tidying up all class property (eg tchers table, shelves)
9:43 PM
let's be demoralising(:Belief: MI test is sure fail.
Truth: I failed my MI test.
P1- i wrote total crap which was totally senseless.
P2- works that have total crap will not pass the exam.
C >i will not pass the exam
see Justified True Belief(:
8:59 PM
MI is OVER!!!!!!
and for some reason, Cbox can't be accessed using the school computers. =(
4:00 PM
Since quite a number of you asked me about the CAAL thing, nearly all of you have submitted your CIP forms and you guys could not remember what CIPs you have done already.
And pls don't ask me for the forms cos i am not holding...
so if you are concerned about it and really need the records, pls read and follow my instructions below=)
1. Log on to KM student centre
2. Click on Special Programmes which is on the left column
3. Click on CIP administration under Community Involvemet Programme
4. Look for Submission of CIP record and click on it
5. There are several hunderds of files in this sub-area, go and find the one called 07ip1 which is uploaded by me and download it.
Yeah that's all.
and happy mugging for your EMTs =)
5:55 PM
Hey 01! As you guys are mugging for the inevitable and dreaded EMT, do remember a few things:
- Feed our class pet (yes, even during EMT itself!) or we will mourn the demise of our dearest fishes =(
- Feed yourself! Don't skip lunches just to mug; 30 minutes do NOT make a difference, like it or not.
- Get your beauty sleep. Ok, maybe it wouldn't make your complexion better, but at least it'll ensure you turn up for the exam with 'beautiful eyes' (read: minus panda eyes, which are SOOOOO unglam!) and a clean state of mind, obviously vital if you're going to sit in for more than two hours of IH SBQ and such.
- Keep the classroom clutter-free or we'll all suffer from claustrophobia due to reduced space.
As such, do take care, 01! Work together as the one Ones and we'll all (hopefully) survive the EMT.
8:49 AM
The TD pic we took with Mr Heah and Ms Ong ! Go check our mailbox if you want a bigger version (and another picture) (:
10:06 PM
I've realised that many of you don't have the email addresses or phone numbers of everyone in 01, and I WAS going to post it on this blog but since i have the technical skills of a penguin (or less) I decided to save it on our gmail account instead. Do take a look to make sure all the details are correct and save a copy for yourself (:
The register numbers SHOULD be correct, so you can use this list to find out who your partner is for the chem SPA. If it's not please tell me and I'll change it.
Here are the TD photos Mrs. Tan sent me ! Thanks to everyone for getting your allocated teachers such lovely presents, and for staying back after the celebrations to wish our teachers a happy teachers day :D
6:53 PM
HEY O1 !!!you guys enjoying your holiday??? hmm............
im bored so im being lame and crapping here yup hmmm............. let me think of something constructive to say wahahahh okay people i shall write 10 reasons why i LOVE 01......
- I have met 25 incredible people who stand up for what they believe in
- 01 is never ending with care and concern
- 01 helps each other in our studies :)
- 01 strives for the best in whatever we do
- 01 will be there whenever someone is down (:
- 01 is really really fun to be with and we have fun outings together
- 01 encourages each other to pursue great height
- 01 is where true feelings can be expressed (that's what i feel)
- 01 is where we have shared good and bad times
- Because.................... there is Yiting, Estelle, Verene, Rakesh, Yu Yue, Michelle K, Choon Fah, Felicia, Raynee, Germaine, Michelle L, Akshay, Serene, Chantik, Ramandeep, Long Hao, Emily, Phi, Molina, Nghia, Ningrui, Bryan, Daisy, Gabrielle, Jiawen and Bernadine - 26 wonderful people. 1 person short and o1 will not be o1 :) yup
so there you have 10 reasons why i LOVE 01 yup yup ........ yay i feel high now wahahahh okay shall stop being lame. anyway to all you 01ians JIAYO!!! :) lets be samurais like what Mr. Heah said, line up our problems and attack them one by one :) we will make it one day im sure :) for now take courage in the fact that there are 25 other people rooting you on yuppers :) 01 is love yea? okay ahahah i know i sound very lame so i shall stop typing whaahah okay ....
Something i came across not to long ago hope it too gives you the encouragement it gave me:)
" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure; We ask ourself who am i to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous;
Actually who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world; We were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us; And as we let our own light shine; We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."
Your one and only, Barney
7:12 PM
Okay it's 25/26 now :D Raman can't make it because (being very incredibly smart) she has an attachment that will keep her busy for the whole of next week. And yes, I will be going. I've msged both our CTs, Miss Ong says she'll try to make it, and Mr. Heah will actually be on a field trip, but he says he'll try to pop by. (: Seeya on thursday !Ting oh, um when is MI due, btw ?
2:53 PM
Why 24/25? Not including you is it, Yiting?
Will Mr Heah and Ms Ong go with us???
7:01 PM
update : 24/25 of us will be going for the lunch ! (:
9:16 AM